Why are you getting sick all the time?

Are you sick of being sick? Is the post viral fatigue dragging on and on? Several factors contribute to individuals experiencing more frequent colds, flus, respiratory viruses and the like. Lifestyle choices including chronic stress – think burning the candle at both ends, poor gut health and exposure to viruses can all lead to a weakened immune system.

What can naturopathy do to help boost your immune system?

Naturopathic treatment for strengthening the immune response focuses on holistic approaches. It may include herbal remedies, dietary changes, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments. Naturopathic methods aim to boost your immune system naturally and enhance your body’s defences lessening your chances of catching every cold/flu you are exposed to, reducing the duration and recovering your wellbeing faster afterwards. Consultation with a naturopath can provide personalised strategies tailored to your specific symptoms and needs.

How does stress impact your immune system?

Stress has a dampening effect that weaken the immune system. When the body is stressed, it releases cortisol, which can suppress immune function over time. Chronic stress can lead to increased inflammation and decreased production of white blood cells, making the body more prone to illnesses and infections. Managing stress through lifestyle modifications that may include exercise, mediation and breathing practices can help to support immune health.  When indicated there are specific nutrients and herbs that can nourish the nervous system to support a person’s tolerance to stress.

What’s the connection between gut health and your immune system?

Did you know that the gut plays a crucial role in immune system function. 

  • Immune cells: Around 70% of the body’s immune cells reside in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). These immune cells play a key role in recognizing and responding to pathogens.
  • Microbiota balance: The gut is home to trillions of microbes collectively known as the microbiota. A balanced and diverse microbiota is crucial for proper immune function. Beneficial bacteria help regulate immune responses, while an imbalance may contribute to immune system dysfunction.
  • Production of Short-Chain Fatty Acids (SCFAs): Beneficial gut bacteria ferment dietary fibres to produce SCFAs, which help regulate the immune system and promote anti-inflammatory responses.
  • Barrier Function:  The gut lining acts as a barrier, preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. A healthy gut barrier is essential for keeping pathogens at bay and avoiding systemic immune activation.

Disruptions in gut health can lead to inflammation and increased susceptibility to infections and viruses. The Naturopathic approach sees gut health as a core pillar of health and is almost always one of the key underlying treatment strategies.

We also offer FREE discovery calls so you can have a chat before deciding to book.

Naturopathic treatment strategies for immunity may include:

  • Balanced Diet: Include nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, to support overall health and manage hormonal changes.
    Download our 7-day immunity boosting meal plan.
  • Regular Movement: Engage in regular physical activity, like walking, yoga, or strength training, to help manage weight, reduce stress, and improve mood.
  • Stress Management: Practice stress-reducing techniques, such as meditation, deep breathing, or mindfulness, to alleviate anxiety and promote emotional well-being.
  • Adequate Sleep: Prioritize good sleep hygiene. Ensure you get enough rest each night to help manage fatigue and support hormonal balance.
  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, which can help with various bodily functions and ease some symptoms.
  • Herbal Remedies: Various herbs like Echinacea, Andrographis, Astragalus, Elderberry and Codonopsis can be useful for immunity. These herbs are powerful though and if appropriate to your circumstances will be prescribed by your Naturopath.
    Read our blog detailing the Top 5 herbs and nutrients for boosting immunity.
  • Supplements: Nutraceuticals and nutritional based formulas can be used as part of a treatment strategy e.g. vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, NAC and probiotics. Once again if suitable these will be prescribed to you as part of your treatment plan.
    Link to immunity blog.

Ready to take the next step and book an appointment?

Initial Consultation 60 min $190

During this comprehensive consultation we will deep dive into your current health concerns, health history, dietary and lifestyle habits along with a review of any current pathology results.
After you initial consultation I will get you back for a Report of Findings consult where you will then receive a personalised treatment plan based on your health goals, including any dietary and lifestyle recommendations along with personalised nutritional and herbal medicine as indicated.  

NB: Consultations can be conducted via Telehealth (video chat) or face to face. If your preference is to see me in person, please request this when completing your intake form. I am based in Newcastle NSW. 

New Beginnings Naturopathy - YOUR VIRTUAL PRACTITIONER.
Available anywhere in Australia and New Zealand.

You can access one-on-one telehealth consultations with me from the comfort of your own home. These are video consultations so we will still be able to see each other. They are delivered via Cliniko, an easy to use, high quality video patient management system with secure end-to-end encryption. Cliniko keeps your personal information safe as per the data protection regulations (Australia Privacy Principles). You will receive a link after booking and simply need to click on the link at the time of your appointment to access.